This document guides how to configure and use the covid-19 text bot using the UW Medicine bot flow.
It guides:
- An admin on how to configure the queue for the agents for the covid19 support.
- An end-user on how to use the text bot.
The overview bot flow
Configure the patient list
The patient list is needed to use for the following cases:
- The bot will scan the patient list and send the text "How are you feeling compared to 12 hours ago?" to the new patients.
- The bot will scan the patient list and send the follow-up text "Just following up. Please let us know where things stand now" to the patients who have been through the orange box after 1 hour the system notify the team.
- The bot will scan the patient list and send the follow-up text "How are you feeling compared to 12 hours" to the patients who have been through the orange box.
Import patient list
- Download the Excel template for importing the patient list here
- In the template, the red items are required
- The CustomerType must be "Patient"
- Enter all required information
- Login to Primas CX web application with the admin privilege
- Navigate to Configuration > Screen Pop > Caller Info
- Use the Import function to import the patient from the file.
- For the production environment, we can implement a job to scan a database or an excel file from a network path and import the patient list automatically.
For the text message that comes from an unknown patient who hasn't been imported to the Caller Info page, three follow-up cases on the diagram won't work.
Trigger the Covid-19 bot
The current demo has configured to send the call to the VDN 5629922 which mapped to the Hunt Group extension 1037495
Prepare for the agent
- Login to the Primas Web App using an agent role
- Navigate to the page Dashboard > Agent
- Login the agent with the Extension 2064859759, Agent ID 5629931, Password 123456 using the Remote Login button
- Change the agent status to Open
Patient role
- From a phone, send a text message "worse" to the number 714.242.8796
- The bot will ask "We're sorry you feel worse. Do you need to speak to someone?".
- Reply "Yes"
- It will make a call to the patient
- When the call answered by the patient, the IVR will confirm if the person is the one who wants to talk to an agent, press 1
- The system will send the call to the VDN 5629922
Agent role
- The agent phone will ring.
- A popup will send to the agent which shows the patient information.
- The patient information will get from the Caller info page which imported in the earlier section. If the system can't find the patient info from the caller info, it will show the pop up without patient information.
- Accept the phone call.
- Hang up the phone call.
Follow the diagram above to try the other cases.
- We can assign another agent to the hunt group 1037495 to use for testing
- We can change to use another VDN/hunt group for the Covid-19 bot by following the next guideline section
Covid-19 bot configuration
The main purposes of this configuration are:
- Setting a phone number for the text bot.
- Setting a queue for the text bot when a patient wants to talk to an agent.
Change Phone Number and Session Key
Step by step
- Login to Primas CX Web Application as an admin privilege.
- Navigate to Configuration > Omni Channels > Contact Config
- Click the Edit button on the config of the Covid bot
- Modify Contact ID (Phone Number) and ZipwhipSession on the Contact Detail page
Change Queue (VDN) configuration
When a patient wants to talk to someone, Primas will place a call to the patient and route the call to a VDN. This VDN need to be configured in the Primas
Step by step
- Specify the queue (VDN) for the bot
- Navigate to the From the Configuration > Omni Channels > Contact Config detail page
- Click the Edit button on the config of the Covid bot
- Modify the Queue ID on the Contact Detail page
- The Queue ID is a VDN that must be configured from the VDN page with the VDN Type is "Agent VDN"
- Modify the configuration for the queue
- Navigate to Configuration > FreedomQ > FQ Config page
- Click the Edit button for the FQ Config where Normal FQ equals the Queue ID in the step above.
- Modify the Priority FQ
- Priority FQ is the VDN that the system will send the call to when the system calls back the patient.
- This VDN must be configured in the VDN page with the VDN Type is "FQ Priority VDN"
How to add a new Skill Extension (Hunt Group)