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How to change the server address for Notifier

Primas CX server is a central place that stores Primas CX data and sends screen pop information to Notifier. Notifier can't work without Primas CX server. We need to configure the server information including the server name (or IP address) and a service port in the Notifier.

Step-by-step guide

In order to change the server address for Notifier, perform the following steps:

  1. Run Notifier with Administrator privilege

  2. Go to menu Tools -> Options. 

  3. In General tab, enter the server name or server IP and port into box Primas CX Server with the following format: ServerName:Port (Default service port is 8080).

    We should double-check that a correct server IP or server name has been entered for Notifier.

  4. Click Save button

Important note: we can only change the server address when we run Notifier with administrator privilege.