
Install Primas Web Notifier (Chrome Extension)

Web Notifier helps to show screen pop to the agent

The Agent PC just needs to install Primas Web Notifier once.

Follow this guideline: WN - Install Web Notifier Chrome Extension

Note: Primas CX Web URL is

Login to Primas Web Notifier

Refer to this guideline for more information: WN - Get Started with Primas Web Notifier

Login to Agent Web Page

The agent web page helps the agent to login/logout to ACD and manage their available state.

Demo web page

Access the web page:

Simulate customer web page:

Feature Demo Scripts

Web callback

Web Call


Web Chat

Screen Sharing

While you are chatting with the web chat user, you can demo the Screen Sharing feature:

Usecase: You want to see the user desktop and ask the user to share the screen and the user agrees.

Video Sharing

While you are chatting with the web chat user, you can demo the Video Sharing feature:

Usecase: You want to talk to the user or see their camera. You ask the user to share the video/ audio and the user agrees.

Text while caller in queue

This feature will allow a caller to interact with text messages while the call is waiting in the queue.

FCR - ePop

On the agent dashboard page or the call pop up (Screen Pop), the agent can see an icon docked at the top-right corner of the window to show the repeat information with color indication

FreedomQ callback and text while waiting for a callback

This feature will allow a customer to be called back instead of waiting in a phone queue to talk to an agent. While the customer is waiting for a callback, they can interact with text messages.

Speech to Text integration

This feature will allow a caller to leave a voice message and the system will convert the message to text, then queue the message to an agent via email channel.

EasyPay - Text secure payment

This feature helps the caller to provide their sensitive information such as credit card information while they are on a call with an agent without the agent perceiving.

TTY - Hearing Impaired Support

This feature will support the deaf customer. When they call the contact center, the system will trigger a text message to their phone number.