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70001: David Anderson

70003: Agent 70003

70004: Agent 70004


100314: Billing


Install Primas Communication Extension

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  • After installing the Primas Communication Extension, you should see this iconat the top-right of the web browser. If you don't see this icon, you can click on the icon at the top-right corner of the web browser, find the Primas Communication Extension, and click the icon . It will pin the Primas Communication Extension to the browser toolbar so that you can find the extension more easily.


Log in to Agent Dashboard and Primas Communication Extension automatically

Primas Agent Demo: Click here to auto-login.

8x8 User Demo 1: Click here to auto-login.

8x8 User Demo 2: Click here and to auto-login.

And wait until it shows you the Agent Dashboard page.


  • Step 2: Call Session
    • Dial to the self-service phone number
    • Choose preferred language:
      • For Thai, press 1.
      • For English, press 2.
      • For Vietnamese, press 3.
    • Press 5 for the Customer Interaction Journey

      IVR: Thank you for contacting us. We see that you have recently explored your car insurance options with our online assistant. Would you like us to continue where you left off?
      Customer: yes

      IVR: You're looking for coverage options for your [car_model]. Let me connect you with a representative to help you finalize your purchase.

      : For verification purposes, please enter your zip code.
      Customer: 12345

      IVR: What is your date of birth?
      Customer: Jun 18, 1996

      IVR: Please allow us to forward the call to an agent for the convenience of service. Please wait a moment.

      Then, the system will transfer to an agent.

Scenario 6:


Pizza Ordering System

  • (This step to register for the LINE channel)
    • Search contact @279kbjyy or scan LINE QR code
      Image Added
      Customer: Hi
      IVR: Welcome to the Pizza Ordering System! Please let us know your preferred language.
      Customer: English
      IVR: 🎉 Want exclusive updates, special deals, and more? Just enter your phone number, and we’ll notify you on LINE! 💡
      Customer: 6573006632
      IVR: Thank you for registering! 🎉You’re now subscribed to receive all our updates via LINE. Look forward to exclusive promotions, offers, and more! 📲
  • Dial to the self-service phone number
  • Choose preferred language:
    • For Thai, press 1.
    • For English, press 2.
    • For Vietnamese, press 3.
  • Press 6 to check order details.for the Pizza Ordering System.

Scenario 7: Outbound Call

At the Agent Dashboard, click the Call button or the phone icon at the bottom right and enter the phone number to make an outbound call.

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Scenario 8: Request a callback


  • From the chatbox, agents type the sharevideo keyword and hit enter; or click on the Video Sharing icon at the top bar of the chatbox.
  • When users click on the shared link and enter the information to start video sharing, a confirmation message will show in the chatbox of the agents' desktop.
    Agents click the Yes button to receive a video sharing.


Allow agents to generate a secure payment link during a customer interaction

  • From the Demo page, go to the Contact Us menu, and click "Easy Pay".
  • The agent can send this link to the customer via email, or SMS or copy the payment link and send it to the customer.
  • The customer clicks the link to access a web page where they can enter their credit/debit card or bank account details to make the payment securely online.
  • Once the payment is completed, the agent receives an update confirming the successful transaction.
  • Customers open the link and enter:
    • Name on Card: can be any name 
    • Card Number: 4444 3333 2222 1111
    • Expiration: the format is MM/YY and it must be a future date
    • CVC: three random numbers.
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Scenario 16: Phone Call Campaign


Connect to the agent (the call duration exceeds 10 minutes10s).

After the call ends 10s, the callback to get the survey will call the customer.
